When you come to see us

Welcome back

We shall be delighted to see you again and are looking forward to your visit.
Our top priority is the safety of our patients and our team so you will see that we have changed the
way things are done in order to take the very best care of you.

Please take time to read the following before you come.

Always call before you visit

Please telephone to make an appointment for any reason, if you arrive without prior booking, we may
not be able to see you.
We will also have to ask you a few questions about your visit.

Online / Telephone Consultations

We may invite you to a longer telephone or Zoom consultation before your appointment to enable us
to clearly determine your needs and reduce the amount of time that you have to spend in the practice.

Our door will be locked when you arrive

Rest assured we will be open, but we will have to control the number of people in the practice at any
one time.

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